Autocar Self Repair Guides

I queried this and he checked the system again and then told me that they had changed the battery. If problem recurs have it checked by your service partner.

Increased Battery Discharge Anyone Know What Could Cause This Beauty Bmw 3 Series E90 E92 Forum

The problem does appear to have gone away and even when i m stationary for 3 minutes the engine doesn t need to restart itself.

Bmw increased battery discharge while stationary. This is to alert you that your battery is getting low and the vehicle needs time to charge it before you shut the engine down again. I seem to get issues after the car sits fallow for a while when i travel for business it has also done this several times during lockdown. Electrical consumers were temporarily switched off.

Many bmw owners call us about getting a battery discharged message on their dash. Not holding a charge. Several issues can cause increased battery discharge some of the most common being an old battery defective ibs sensor or poor ground connection.

Everything seemed ok for the first few times the car started and driven around this morning approx 60 miles of driving however it just now started displaying increased battery discharge when stationary when turning on while my better half is driving it. Https amzn to 33evhahi got the battery discharging while stopped after a few days sitting in the parking. Increased battery discharge when stationary.

These batteries are very expensive apparently so well worth including in the end of warranty check. In cold weather 10 c people tend to drive short distances more often while also using more accessories battery consumers. The battery is over 5 yr old.

Increased power consumption when stationary due to a fault when shutting down the vehicle electronics. I bought the bmw battery charger. High electrical demand by a module.