Autocar Self Repair Guides

The reason why the radio dash lights headlights and other electronics draw power while the engine doesn t has to do with the amount of current each device draws and what may be interrupting the path. Since lights in the car are powered by the battery we can eliminate the battery as the source of the problem.

My Car Won T Start Just Clicks Youcanic

If the battery appears to be charged the headlights stereo and other accessories work but you only hear one click then the problem probably lies with the starter motor or the solenoid.

Car won t start just clicks but lights work. The most common reason is that the starter has failed. If the car clicks when trying to start but still won t start this can be caused by a weak battery dirty battery terminals a worn starter motor or a stuck solenoid. The most common problem that causes a car to click and no start is a weak battery.

If your car turns on but won t start turn on the dome light and watch it while you try to start the engine. If your car won t start but the lights and radio work fine it could be one of several problems possibly including a dead battery. If a car will not turn over but the lights and radio still work the problem is either a bad starter motor or a faulty ignition switch.

No clicking sound and no sound from the engine can indicate a bad ignition switch. You will need to jump start your car with a jump box jump it with another car or replace the battery. If the lights in your car are working but the car still won t turn over or start there could be a variety of reasons why.

A clicking noise when turning the key usually indicates a problem with the starter motor. Here are a few tricks to try if the car doesn t start. The other reason is that the battery does not have enough power to turn the starter.

The battery is not completely dead but it is discharged and even though it turns on the car lights it can no longer start the engine. It is likely to be a problem with spark or fuel. That clicking noise usually comes from the starter and there are two reasons why a starter makes a clicking noise instead of starting your car.